Getting married at St Philip and St Paul with Wesley


getting-married-at-st-philip-st-paul-with-wesleyCongratulations on your engagement! We are glad you are looking into the possibility of getting married at our church.

There are probably lots of questions you would like to ask.

The best thing to do is to contact us, and one of our Ministers will get back in touch with you to chat about possibilities and arrange to meet you for an informal chat so you can ask all your questions and learn more about what might be involved. St. Philip & St. Paul with Wesley is an Anglican and Methodist Church, and when applying for marriage, each denomination has different requirements and conditions under the law of this country, but they will explain all that to you. And

St Philip & St Paul with Wesley is an Anglican and Methodist Church, and when applying for marriage, each denomination has different requirements and conditions under the law of this country, but they will explain all that to you. And of course, you are welcome to come and join us at any of our services so you can see the building, meet people and get a flavour of our church. We are a congregation of all ages where we see lots of new faces so do come and find out a bit more.

Interested in learning more about getting married at St Philip and St Paul with Wesley?